Petite Victory Collective
We want to make music while supporting environmental and humanitarian projects
If you made it this far in your musical journey it’s because you’re enjoying your musical process. Petite Victory Collective is not here to change that. We’re here to confirm that you made the right decision in sticking to your own rules all of the ways.
Here we’re taking care of some of the most underrated niche electronic artists. From minimal house, dark electronic, ambient, industrial, DIY, DAWless, and on.
We want this collective to be a safe place for you to hangout, grow and be creative with your own rules.
Petite Victory Collective goes beyond music itself. Engaging the music community to take action for the environnement is definitely on our to do list. Mostly because there’s no planet B! We are trying to use these challenging times to develop our creativity while pushing boundaries.
Surrounded by dedicated friends and artists, we’re here to represent you.
Being part of the collective doesn't entitle you to release music through PVC. We're looking for specific genres and for a certain quality standard before releasing Albums/Eps through our stores. But we would be happy to guide you in the process of stepping up your game on any creative level.
We started Petite Victory Collective as a statement. We want to promote and support music that we hold on to in the Independent Electronic scene.
Like you, we want to change the label game and spice things up with our own rules.
As an artist you’ll have your music published in our official store and through our Bandcamp Label page.
All this while owning 100% of your royalties.