February Challenge by Ikigai Cosmonaut - 'Orchestral Space'

FEBRUARY CHALLENGE - ‘ORCHESTRAL SPACE’ // JAMuary is now over! As the creative favorite of December Challenge, @ikigai_cosmonaut is now taking over with a new prompt for this month:

'Greetings everyone! I bet you are all full of energy, after this month and thirsty for rocking your machines, so for this monthly challenge, I propose 'Orchestral Space'. Make a jam or remake one you already did, and put those violins to work.

Don't forget to tag your posts through this month #petitevictorycollective #pvc_challenge and #orchestralspacejam. You can make as many takes as you like. I hope you make me sweat to choose the next one to pass the crown to, and i know you will. Have fun'.

- Don’t be a stranger !


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