PVC Takeover | Christianshavns Beboerhus

Christianshavns Beboerhus and Petite Victory Collective are joining forces for the next PVC Takeover! This time, we’re thrilled to welcome and showcase our label mates Ësenaim (FR/IT) as they present their latest sonic creation: "GAZA" EP. Ësenaim have been actively involved in supporting the Gaza emergency through their work with Doctors Without Borders (MSF). Join us to witness the testimony of two MSF field workers, who will use poetry and music to share their message, alongside performances from nine other acts from the PVC community.

- Songs From Tin Pan Alley
- Under Red Skies
- Ësenaim
- cstl x ITEM
- Delta V x Kolksen
- Yukio Bergholdt x Wilk Kick
- Second Sun

There’s gonna be too many cables and hardwares not to come by and enjoy the night with us. Our artists will bring groove boxes and machines for a unique and intimate live experience. Hardware enthusiasts and curious people, we are looking forward to seeing you


Line Up:


Related Artists


Further Articles


ITEM x Krostif - 'EQ' EP Out Now!


JAMuary 2025