'Crackles ' Ambient Drones | Lyra-8, Cosmos | 59 Perlen

"Crackles" is another Lyra-8 drone. I am currently shaping a live set I gonna play only with the Lyra-8 and its sibling, the Cosmos. I realised its almost impossible to make a "setlist" or some similar starting configs as I almost end up with something completely different than I thought I would go to. I use the concept of "idea" instead of "tracks" on this setting and this track is a good example for this concept: "Crackles" has a quite good "Preset" that I noted on a piece of paper. I can easily repeat this and get similar results - it's of course not a replicate but It comes close to the idea and goes somewhere else then.

#ambientmusic #ambientdrone #dawlessjam


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