Dawless Techno Liveset | Erica Synths Bassline, LXR-02, Zen Delay | 59 Perlen
Written By Jesse Thamer
I was so happy to play a little dawless set in Hannover at my friends @NOGASAYAN hosted event "Meet The Machines". The focus of the set is clearly on the variety coming from the few machines.
While I´m still in the process of learning this setup, I think it was a nice set and a great event. Looking forward the next one in a few weeks in Roskilde / Denmark.
I give this set for download exclusively to all subscribers of my newsletter! Make sure to sign up now if you haven't done so and receive the complete set immediately: www.59perlen.com/59lovers
#dawlesstechno #dawlessjam #ericasynths #livetechno
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