"Shopping Bag" Contemporary Score | Vermona Perfourmer, Analog Rytm | 59 Perlen

Hey guys,

I had the pleasure to perform the 2022 production "Shopping Bag" in Zurich last week and it was a blast. The performance was a contribution to the so called "Lange Nacht der Museen Zurich" (long night of the museums) and took place in the Wasserkirche.

The entire performance was 5 hours long. While only 1 hour part was performed with live music and the entire dance crew, the remaining time has been filled with solo performances by the dancers and a pre-produced sound.

During the 5 hours, over 4000 visitors went through the exhibition-alike installation.

Unfortunately, the audio recording didn't work because the SD card broke. Sorry for the lack of sound quality :) The good thing is: I'm heading to Germany tomorrow where we will play 3 more "Shopping Bag" shows on Sep 12, Sep 13 and Sep 14.

Gear: Hybrid setup with Albeton Live 12, Vermona Perfourmer, Analog Rytm MKII, M-Audio air 192, Novation Launchpad Mini MKII.

#liveset #livescore #contemporarydance


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