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RECAP | PVC Takeover Beboerhus
Thanks to all of you who came by and genuinely enjoyed the cable mess and hangout with us last Friday night. Our artists really brought their A-game, covering many electronic sub-genres from Ambient, Experimental, Electronica to Fast Techno. Proud of the whole team on this one…
A huge thank you to all the sonic explorers who joined us last Saturday night! We're still absorbing the energy from this unforgettable weekend with the entire PVC family. Welcoming our community and friends from across Europe, the USA, and…
RECAP | Push The Buttons Vol. 3
The third edition of Push The Buttons was a landmark moment, bringing PVC members together from across Europe, the USA, and Canada for our first-ever in-person meet-and-greet! The night was filled with networking, gear talk, jam sessions, an open mic, and plenty of snacks and drinks…
RECAP | Meet The Machines Vol.1
That’s it, the first edition of MEET THE MACHINES is over! Here's a proper recap of what recently happened in Hannover! Our label mate Heiko, aka Nogasayan, took the lead and initiated Meet The Machines Vol. 1! The event turned out great, with only positive energy throughout…
RECAP | Push The Buttons Vol. 2
Here's some behind the scenes from last Friday night ! - The second edition of Push The Buttons was another lovely gathering. Networking, gear talk, jam sessions, open mic, drinks and snacks... The night surely went over our expectations. Thanks to everyone involved for the good karma and great insights…
Too late to wait! ... A conference on climate and democracy.
We are delighted to announce that Petite Victory Collective has been kindly invited to participate at the next conference on climate and democracy hosted by the French Institut! On Thursday, May 23rd, the French Institute in Denmark will host a debate and cultural evening…
RECAP | SP Sessions: Zurich | March 30, 2024
Here’s a little recap from the first SP Sessions that recently happened in Zurich led by our very own 59 Perlen. After the test balloon event at the beginning of January 2024, the first edition of the 'SP Sessions Zurich' took place as the 'Spring' Edition. Guests enjoyed an exuberant live act event with finest electronic music and a relaxed atmosphere in Zurich's vibrant Glattpark neighbourhood.
RECAP | Push The Buttons Vol. 1
Here's some behind the scenes from last Friday night ! - Back in September last year we brainstormed with the local PVC crew about new concept events to add in our timeline for 2024 here in Copenhagen. Our label mate Yukio Bergholdt kicked in with the idea to…
RECAP / Blue Raven Bar presents: Petite Victory Collective Takeover #5
A few shots from last Saturday night at @blueravenbar for our 5th Takeover. Thanks again for the warm welcome, we had blast! Thank to all of you who came by and enjoyed the hangout with us. Our artists really brought their A game covering many electronic sub-genres…
JAMuary 2024
Are you ready for this year Jamuary? - Hardware Jams & Petite Victory Collective are happily teaming up once again for #jamuary2024 ! 31 jams in 31 one days! Let’s celebrate music and show 2024 what a wonderful creative year it’s going to be ! …
Thanks to all the curious sonic adventurers that showed up last Saturday night! We had a blast and a lot of fun sharing our sonic experimentations with you people. Showcasing what our collective has to offer to the world with our own rules and mindset is really worth the effort and dedication. We showcased everything from…
Teder, 59 Perlen & TimMey - 'Alive' Release Event
Our very own Teder has recently graced us with his latest EP, 'Alive.' To mark the birth of this new musical endeavor, Peter hosted an intimate and laid-back gathering on Prinsengracht in the heart of Amsterdam. The essence of this event was to celebrate not only music but also the bonds of friendship and the world of art…
PVC CPH | Live Session @ Massive Radio | Sept. 2nd 2023
The Petite Victory Collective got kindly invited to celebrate the launch of Massive Radio! In response, we made the decision to convene our local crew, each armed with their favorite equipment, for an epic three-hour live session for a completely spontaneous and improvised affair…
PVC 'Takeover' | Cykelstad (Cph) | May, 27th 2023
#aboutlastnight - Showcasing our artists in unconventional environments is what our Takeovers are all about. Intimate, personal, and safe, our aim is to create a new vibe and unique experience every time you join one of our gathering…
What does 2 years of PVC really mean?
Some days left before celebrating 2 years of Petite Victory Collective. We wanted to share insights of what we did as a team since this project started on March 28th, 2021. What does two years as an independent and decentralized Label really mean?…
Second Sun - Album Reception / March 3rd, 2023
Second Sun is the ambient electronic project of Copenhagen based musician and producer Jacob Rasmussen, which presents lush soundscapes, cinematic impressions, and ethereal textures…
MDC III (BE) + Second Sun // Loppen x Northern Winter Beat
Our very own Second Sun has been kindly invited to support MDC III on January 29th at Loppen. You definitely don't want to miss this unique event. If you are into ambient electronic sounds…
JAMuary 2023
Are you ready for this year JAMuary? Hardware Jams & Petite Victory Collective are happily teaming up once again for #JAMuary2023! 31 jams in 31 one days! Let's see…
PVC 'Sonic Playground' | URBAN 13 | Nov. 2022
Last Saturday night was a big milestone for us! Showcasing what our collective has to offer to the world with our own rules and mindset is really worth the effort and dedication…
PVC 'Takeover' | Kulturtårnet (Cph) | Oct, 14th 2022
Here's a small recap from our latest takeover at Kulturtårnet! Gathering the local crew with their gears for unique live experiences and hangout is becoming a tradition. Thankful for all of you coming over and sharing this moment with us….
(Full) PVC ‘Takeover’ | Proton Records (Cph) | June, 9th 2022
We are happy to share with you today the full recap of our latest Takeover at Proton Records. We're trying to keep those events coming to showcase what our local hardware…
PVC ‘Takeover’ | Proton Records (Cph) | June, 9th 2022
Here's a small recap from our latest takeover at Proton Records! Gathering the local crew with their gears for unique live experiences and hangout is something we wanna do more often…
Buy Food With Plastic
This year, all our initiatives are supporting Buy Food with Plastic. Which means that every-time you buy one of our compilations or a sample pack, 100% of your money…
Art for Ocean Cleanup #1
Today is a special day! It's our 1 year anniversary! To celebrate, here's a small video recap from this weekend Art for Ocean Cleanup #1. We had the pleasure to kick off the cleanup season side by side with Nordic Ocean Watch…
JAMuary 2021
Are you ready for this year Jamuary? Hardware jams & Petite Victory Collective happily teamed up for Jamuary 2022!
PVC ‘Takeover’ | Blue Raven (Cph) | Dec, 4th 2001
We did it! Bringing PVC from the virtual world to reality is a little dream becoming true. Such a great night and lovely way to celebrate the end of the year with our first Takeover…