December Challenge by Hexwave - 'Jam Freezes Over'

DECEMBER CHALLENGE - ‘JAM FREEZES OVER’ // As the creative favorite of November Challenge, is now taking over with a new prompt for this month:

'As many of us are entering winter, so shall our jams! Entries for this month should start out nice and toasty, but towards the end begin to chill until winter is full on by the end! Whether that is the tempo lowering over time, or introducing "icy" elements and fading out the "warm" ones... That's for you to figure out! This will be the last prompt before the "break" of Jamuary (which is actually just 31 of these!), so get jamming if you want that proud February challenge prompt crown!

Thanks again to @Iwankristensen for passing the baton and choosing my jam last month!. Submit some nice tracks and remember to tag them with #petitevictorycollective, #pvc_challenge and #jamfreezesover.'

- Don’t be a stranger !


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