Songs From Tin Pan Alley - ‘Standstills I’ Out Now!

Songs From Tin Pan Alley's new album "Standstills I" is now out exclusively on Petite Victory Collective. Our one-man synthesist from Copenhagen, expresses the captivating and mesmerizing moments where everything falls into place and everything around you is on pause.

The songs from "Standstills I" are built around melodic phrases from his piano and complemented by textures from his dogma modular setup. Everything is recorded in one takes on a Marantz CP230 with no overdubbing. This process gives the songs a kind of freshness and naivety. We hope you'll enjoy this collection of gems as much as we do.


** A friendly reminder that all PVC's artists gets 100% of their royalties when you support them directly through Petite Victory Collective.


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Petite Victory Collective Welcomes Songs From Tin Pan Alley.